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Chapter Meeting Minutes 2/7/2022

Morgan State University

Alumni Association

Howard County Chapter

February 7, 2022@ 7pm

Attendees: 43 members total

Meeting called to order - 7:02 by Paul Haley

Adopt of Game - Saturday, February 12th at Morgan (2pm for the men)

Presenter - Wes Moore (Democrat candidate for governor)

We watched his biography video

Highlights from Mr. Moore’s presentation

We have amazing technology businesses in Maryland but still students without WiFi.

Leave no one behind - slogan of the campaign and of Maryland

Has personal experience with fighting for the underdog ( mom w/a Masters -but received little pay

like her male colleagues) (father received a lack of care at local hospital due to systemic racism)

Understands the importance of education but we need to look at health issues, transportation,

tuition, food despair

We need to have a growing Baltimore and Maryland, which benefits all residents of Maryland

Volunteers needed

Questions from the chapter

Paul - Provide an insight on your non profit. We would find the leaders that are doing the major

issues and fund them. Examples: the Power and 90 to 10 campaign which we funded based on

their ideas.

Ken B. - “You provided a powerful presentation- Thank you for stepping up!

Nicole T. - What is your campaign to make people feel safe, especially related to violence?

Changes in the parole and prohibition system and providing opportunities for all seeking

assistance. We have to stop the ownership blame and now make our communities safer.

Ken D. - Who is your running mate - Aruna Miller a female candidate from Montgomery County.

She is community driven and a public servant.

Paul - How can we support as an organization and individual?

Get a yard sign, donate your time or money, and even attend a meet and greet


TREASURER - report attached


Local schools need a representative for why students should attend MSU (in regards which programs that

are available) with a virtual panel

Karen suggested connect with our scholarship recipients along with one of our alumni members

The topic was tabled, so more clarifying information can be gathered.



Report has been attached


  • Caribbean Day Party 4/9/22 from 12-4 at Kahler Hall (84 guests maximum)

  • 6 people per table $50 cost of ticket (purchase via the Chapter website)

  • July 23rd Carb Feast

Safety Protocols based on HoCo standards

Donations are being accepted


Partnership continues and application goal is for 15-20 students


March 5th




Ten Year Strategic Plan has been approved and will be added to our chapter website

Jamaican BobSled team member from Morgan will be competing this Friday

CIAA support will be announced (dates Feb. 22 - 26)

HBCU Classic (Sat. Feb. 19th)(contact the National Alumni information) for ticket information

Question - Who is the person replacing Joyce Brown? Heidi A. Bruce


Adopting the Men’s Game at 2pm



TABLED topic -

Need more information on the HoCo BSAP Virtual Panel

Oct. 8 Homecoming

Another order for chapter jackets or hoodie (hopefully in March)


February birthdays

Clarence Feb 8

Ruth Feb. 9

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